Still playing pubg/Candy crush ??
It's time you play the real game.
Come take part in Inter-co, find the real hero in our battle ground.!!
Round 1 :
An aptitude test will be conducted which consists of logical reasoning, vocabulary and puzzles. In a span of 10 min it should be completed. From this we will filter the best. Almost 80% participants will be qualified in this round.
Round 2 :
A jam session will be conducted where you need to perform the task which you pick in the chit. It might be about any situation how you react or it may be a dare. Almost 50% participants will qualify the round.
Round 3 :
A Quiz Competition will be conducted where all general topics will be asked, the best participant will be announced as the winner.
Motto :
Participating in Inter-co will be useful for the competitive exams and for development of communication skills, lose stage fear and participate. Also gain knowledge which will be always useful and develop their skills.
Event Coordinators
N. Tarun - +91 6281972241
P. Ramya Krishna - +91 9502180218